The Hippy Dippie Blogger

One could say I became a blogger by happenstance. I started blogging before blogging was what it is today. In a nutshell,  in 2009 I wanted to volunteer abroad and I was broke. But, something very deep inside spoke to me and I knew I needed to find a way to get the word out and make it happen. So, I did a thing… I started a blog writing about my desire to teach dance and English. I wrote,  I worked, I shared. I wrote more, I worked more, and i shared more… and guess what? It all worked. Collectively we made it happen.

163669_1698738902430_4286765_nI am a writer, a volunteer, a performing artist, an entertainer, a dancer, an actor, a writer, a traveler, a gypsy, a student, an educator and a self proclaimed optimist. I am a dreaming human (of dreams big and small). On most days… I recognize my limitless consciousness, I am mindful, and I am fully here to learn how to share- myself. On most days I am aware of the human need to connect and I choose to focus on the positive aspects of this platform.  I seek ways to be of service, am open to unique opportunities of shared creative expression, and am driven to grow.  I am here to learn about myself, share more of myself, and hopefully make new friends to play together in Cyber Space!

I am just a human unmasking the realities of being human!

2 thoughts on “The Hippy Dippie Blogger”

  1. Hi Gina,
    I was Hoping to get some advice from you! I have a project I’m working on, and I am looking for good ways to raise money. I was wondering if you’d be interested in helping me get started since you’ve had such great success? I’d appreciate and help you’d be willing to give. Email me any time… I look forward to hearing from you!


    1. Hi Jen! The best advice I can give to you is to put your ideas out there… start a blog or send out a mass email (to friends and family) on what you want to do and why you need to raise money to do so– people who know you can then spread the word. If you have a good idea and plan to do good work in the world, but momentarily lack financial means, the world will support you if you are willing to ask… good luck!

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